Wednesday, January 24, 2007

3.2 miles

The van went into the shop today for an inspection sticker, oil change, and brakes. Boy are those breaks costly. I dropped off the van and walked home. Several hours later I picked it up. The walk home was the worst of the two walks. It was 19 degrees out.

Monday, January 22, 2007

1st Finished Project of the New Year!

Yarn: Schoeller Esslinger Fortissia Cotton Colori 75% Cotton 25% Nylon

Needles: 2 Addi size 1 circulars from toe up to 1/4" of cuff
4 Knit Picks size 1 DPNs for cuff and size 2 DPNs for cast off

Pattern: Crazy Toes and Heels
Fan toe & short-row-up stockinette stitch heel
Knit 2 Purl 2 cuff

Last night I finished the cuff on my Fortissima Cotton Socks while DH watched the New England Patriots. The only thing left for me to do today was cast off and tie in the loose ends. There were a few lessons learned on this pair of socks. Watching my son play basketball and knitting socks don't equal progress. Last week during my son's game I was knitting happily away on the cuffs of my socks. Sure, I thought I was doing great...wrong. Both socks front and back ended up on one circular instead of the fronts on one circular and the backs on the other circular. Plus, some how I managed to tangle and knot both balls of yarn. The socks got tossed back in the bag to be fixed at a later time. A day or two later I decided they were going to DPN's. I never knitted socks with DPNs. One of the balls was so knotted that I left it alone for several hours and finally sat down for an hour to fix the mess. The DPN's seem to work up faster than the 2 circulars. However, every so often I end up with a yarn over here or there that needs to be knitted together with the next stitch. With the 2 circulars I was use to the cuffs always being the same length. Measuring the cuffs every so often on the DPN's kept them close in size.

My next pair of socks will be for DH and I'm tossing around the idea of making them cuff down on DPN's. I've never done this method. If I find it's faster than ciruclar needles I'll make his socks with DPNs. He wears a size 11 1/2 wide shoe and his socks take me 2-3 weeks longer to make than mine. If I can make them quicker he'll get more socks.

Walked 2 miles

My feet made it on the treadmill for 2 miles of walking. I have to get moving...the turtle below is moving at a snails pace.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Both heels are completed on my Fortissima Cotton Socks. It won't be long before the cuffs are done and these wonderful socks are on my feet. They may even be done by the end of the weekend. There hasn't been much progress on the Collegiate Pullover. Right now there is about 7 inches of ribbing and stockinette. Another 6 or 7 inches and it will be time for the sleeves.

Today, I walked 2 miles on the treadmill. It was a long 2 miles. Yesterday, mother nature decided to give us ice. My driveway was very icy and my feet went out from under me. It was a hard fall. I'm okay but, my body is sore.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ice Ice Go Away!

Ice Ice Go Away Don't Come Back Another Day! This winter hasn't really felt like winter in New England. Up until now, we really had a mild winter and broke some records with the temps reaching into the 60's and some places even made 70 degrees. Now it's payback time. New England was hit with rain, freezing rain, ice, sleet and snow. Here in southern New Hampshire we got the freezing rain and ice. I'd rather the cold, snow and sleet. Please Mother Nature no more freezing rain and ice. This is a picture of the street around the corner from my house. That's only one little tree being held up by the lines. There are more trees, limbs and lines down around the area and throughout New England.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Five Miles!!!!

It was a great 5 miles. Ran 3.31 miles and walked the rest. The body could have ran longer but, it dosn't need any injuries. Lowered the speed, increased the minutes and walked while talking with the kids. Before I knew it there was 5 miles on the display.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Relaxing Day!

Today was a nice relaxing day. This morning I walked 3.32 miles on the treadmill. DH and DS#1 made pancakes and bacon for breakfast....yummmy. In the afternoon I met up with the local SnB group. It was nice seeing the group again...we took a break due to the holidays. See you next week ladies.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Not much again today!

It was warmer walking DS#2 to school today. It was 32 degrees out with a light wind. I didn't enjoy it though. Our wonderful dog decided he wanted to walk me. Usually, he'll pull the first few minutes but, not the whole walk. Sure he'd listen to my commands such as wait, stop, come or sit. However, he wanted to leave his scent on every telephone pole and tree in sight. Lately, he's only been getting out for walks when I walk DS#2 to school besides that he has the run of the yard. He'd make a great running partner if I'd get my rear in gear and run outside instead of using the treadmill.

Speaking of getting my rear in gear. I've been trying to talk myself into running or even walking on the treadmill all day. It hasn't happened yet....maybe after supper...what do you think?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's better than nothing!

I walked DS#2 to school today. Winter weather is here for now...19 degrees this morning. He was home sick yesterday and had energy to burn. I wish I could say the same for me. I feel like I've been hit by a mac truck and the short walk took a lot out of me.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Miles for today

Walked DS#2 to school. Round trip 1.4 miles.

Monday, January 8, 2007

3 more miles

Zippo miles for yesterday. DH and DS#1 both were on the treadmill yesterday. Their totals have been updated on the right.

3 miles of walking this morning on the treadmill. My turtle is making it's way to 100 miles...will it make it...sure it will.

Socks Anniversary

One year ago today Lynne helped me learn to make socks. She recommended Queen Kahuana's "Crazy Socks and Toes". Within the year I made 7 pairs of socks and started my 8th pair. There is nothing like the feeling of finishing a pair of socks and being able to put them on your feet.

The socks pictured above are made with Fortissima Cotton on two Addi size #1 circular needles. They are so soft. I'm dying to get them finished and wear them.

Below is a picture of the progress of the Collegiate Pullover from Knit Picks. This is my first sweater and so far so good.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

What A Difference 24 Hours Makes

Everyone got exercise today. Not only did we enjoy a walk outside with my MIL but, three of us managed to enjoy treadmill time. This morning I ran 3 miles and walked a quarter of a mile. Both boys were up and DS#1 even tried to play some music for my run. His heart was in the right place but, he didn't realize that he had continuous loop on. After listening to the same song over and over again I asked him to please turn the music off. DS#1 and DH got on the treadmill tonight and walked/ran. DS#2 got on the treadmill but, decided he'd rather play video games and got off. It's nice to see the whole family trying to get into better shape and making it to their 100 mile goal at their own pace.

Over in the right are percent bars for each of us. Thank you Jennifer for the HTML.

The Calendar Says January But It Feels Like April!!!!

Is it really January? It sure doesn't feel it. DH, MIL, kids and I went for a 1.3 mile walk today. It was 69 degrees out. The last time we walked in January and it was in the 60's was 2 years ago when we visited friends in AZ. If winters were like this you'd never hear my family complain. We don't like the cold or ice. Snow we can deal with but, definitely prefer weather like today.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Why I'd rather run at 5 a.m.

This mornings treadmill run wasn't so much of a run. In fact it was 3 miles of mostly walking. I was too LAZY to get out of bed this morning at 5 a.m. Which ment my treadmill time would be sometime before lunch...after lunch forget won't happen. So, errands were done and running gear was on around 10:30 a.m. Within 5 minutes of running my sneaker was digging into my foot. It was laced too tight. Paused the treadmill and fixed the sneaker. Wouldn't you know it I restarted the treadmill and for some reason everything programmed went blank. Reprogrammed my run and our dog starts barking at the recycle truck and then, the mailman. Before I know it someone starts knocking on my door. The dog is barking up a storm. The person can go feet are staying on the treadmill. After about 5 minutes of calling the dog downstairs the person gives up pounding on the door. I still don't know who was pounding on my door. If they wanted me bad enough they would have left a note, come back or called. By the time the dog listened and came downstairs I was walking and gave up on running. When I get up and run at 5 a.m. the only interruption usually is my DS#2. He'll ask if he can eat breakfast or turn the tv on.

3 miles on the treadmill and 1.4 miles round trip taking DS#2 to school equals 4.4 miles today.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Thank you Larrissa!!!!

Thank you Larrissa for telling me how to get this ticker to work. Isn't it cute :)

Tickers and buttons

Okay...I've seen tickers and buttons on other sites but, for the life of me I can't figure out how to get them on my site. I saw this great ticker on it was made on So off to tickerfactory I went....making the ticker was easy. Now, there is this code...where does it go?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

First Knit Sweater

For Christmas DH and the kids gave me Knit Picks Swish Superwash Dublin and Bare Superwash to make the Collegiate Pullover. My swatch was knitted over the weekend. Yesterday, I CO the stitches for the sweater. During the first row of knitting the tip of my needle came off the cable :( It was the first time using the 32" cable from Knit Picks Option set which was purchased over the summer. Luckily, Knit Picks has great customer service and the replacement is in the mail. If all goes well later today there will be new stitches on the other 32" cable needle.

3.1 miles out of 100

This morning I got my rearend out of bed at 5 a.m. and ran 3.1 miles on the treadmill. Actually, I ran 3 miles and walked to cool down the 0.1 mile. It felt good to run again. It's been a long time.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Do you think I'm Crazy?

That's the question I asked DH today. His answer to me was go for it. A year or two ago I didn't even know blogs existed. Now, I find myself checking blogs every so often. Today, was one of those checking days. I stumbled across a knitting blog Yarn-A-Go-Go that had a challenge that didn't include knitting. The challenge is to walk, jog, run, crawl, or bike 100 miles by April 1st. It was the perfect challenge for me because I decided last night that I had to get my rearend in gear and start exercising again. So, this morning when I rolled out of bed I got my workout gear on and picked up my dusty weights while DH jogged on the treadmill. The whole house is doing this challenge. My feet are the only ones that haven't hit the treadmill today. DH and sons have a mile or so each. That's okay....tomorrow morning my feet will hit the treadmill not for one mile but, for three. My feet might even be running.